What You Want To Know About Me?

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Ok, if I truly must tell you a little about myself I will. I am the type of person that likes to rush into things, and then when the time comes I get bit in the ass because I moved in too fast. Though, I can be patient. I also noticed that it really doesn't matter with me when something bad happens. Either because of my clutsiness, or for other reasons that I am unaware. Sure, I do break things on occasion, and I forget a lot of things that people tell me to do. But, I am loyal to the very end to all those that I care about. Deep right... I am a student. That will be all I will tell you on that subject. After all, who wants to really know how old I am. What if I'm like some creepy old man. Or just like a five year old trying to do something cool just because my big brother tried it out. Nah, keeping my age to myself should be good enough for you people. I also come to mention this...Though it really isn't about me. I am blessed to be in a relationship with the girl of my dreams. It makes me happy just to see her smile. Ok, enough of that, nobody needs to know my love life. Well, that's all i'm going to tell you about my life, or who I am. Tally Ho!

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Wow, it's been 7 years since I last fished. So when I went fishing for the first time since then, I became very excited, but like a lot of things, I thought it would fail through like everything else. Because, in most situations, like a typical american, we buy something with good intentions. Though, eventually in the end we would find ourselves forgetting ever having it. Unthankful, isn't it. But, in the blink of an eye, I was all dressed up in swimming trunks and a tank top...Fishing. I found myself, walking through bramble, and bushes. Making my way down to the edge of the bank, holding my fishing pole, thinking in my mind, "I will be getting the biggest fish I can today. Take that you fishies!" There also came this resolution in my mind stating, "this won't be so easy". I walked down the bank, and before I could even throw out the line to start fishing. "Twink" I get my fishing line all twisted up. "Shit!!!" My mother proceeds to come over and help me inwind my fishing line. Apparently I have no skill in these matters. Ughhhh... Anyway, many moments later the line is back to normal and I have made a breakthrough in my mind. "Next fish crossing my path is gonna get it". So, I take the pole swing back, and I get caught on a tree. Just my luck! I eventually untangle the fishing line...Again! And prepare for another swing. "Plop" as the end of the hook drops in to the water. "Now, I'm ready to catch something". After waiting a considerably long 10 minutes, I found that I hadn't caught anything. I stood there and thought to myself, "I must be using the wrong lures"
So I go and grab a sinker, or whatever you call them. The heavy ones. But, as I'm about to cast out into the river I hear, "NOOOO!!!" I quickly look over and see my brother crying, calling for help upon a rock. I slowly make my way over there, simply because I'm more cautious when I'm out in the middle of knowhere. I finally make my way there, and I find out that the actual spool fell from the fishing pole. It landed in the middle of a large amount of algae, under a rock. I'm the only one wearing swimming trunks, so mother dearest says, "Go on, get the spool". I suddenly feel this dark fear in my soul as I stick my foot into the dark abyss of algae. Just wanting to see how deep the water is below the rock. I get to about my hip, and begin to think to myself, "Shit no! I am not going in there". I had a bad feeling to begin with, but found that it was a lot deeper than I thought it was. Of course, my brother is sitting on the rock crying, and my mom is getting really irritated because I won't go in. I'm trying my best to get into the water that you can't even see one inch into because of the algae. So, I grasp the rock with my burly little muscles, trying to lower myself into this whole mess. Suddenly I slip! "O shit!" I feel myself falling into the algae, and I feel like it has no end, and I'm being consumed by the whole deadly onslaught of plants. With all my strength, just like a cat out of water, I pull myself onto the rock before it sucks me down. "Fuck!" That was scary. I was sitting there practically crying like a little kid. I felt ashamed. "Mom, I feel so ashamed". Mother looks back at me, "Good! You should feel ashamed". So I sat there on the rock, with a sad face while my mother took off her summer shorts and jumped into much shalower section of the same spot. She soon found that the algae was sucking her into the muck, and that it was much deeeper than she assumed. I felt better after she freaked out, knowing that I wasn't the only one feeling like crap. She found a good reason for it.
After the little freakout that we had, I continued to fish. "With all the strength of the mighty Thor I shall catch a fish". That's what I thought, then I noisily cast out my line. "Plop!" Then almost instantly, without a saying or word something started tugging on my line. I became excited enthrawled as I jumped into the air with joy. Quickly, as if I was fighting with the devil I began to fight back as the other side of the line ran. I struggled and fought with the creature that layed underneath the water. Then, as it began to imerge, and my excitement began to skyrocket...I came to realize, that what I caught was nothing more than a Crawdad. "Lousy stupid Crawdad". Why does reallity plague me this way? I slowly put the Crawdad to my face as he squirmed and squiggled. I looked at him with sadness in my eyes, I truly felt bad for the small little creature. "I truly feel bad for you my little felow, but your going to have to do". So, I cast him back into the river, and decided to use him as bait. He didn't work. Finally, the little fellow...thankfully escaped the dreaded grasp of the hook. I kind of miss him now. Going fishing with my pets. Well, he wasn't really a pet, but if I had to give him a name it would probably be Onesnip, or something of the sort. He only had one claw!
Eventually as the day wore on, clouds began to collect in the sky. Then, eventually with much considered wait, the rain began to fall and the fish began to bite. I was so happy as the rain fell from above, and the thunder boomed from above. Excitement began to flow through my limbs, as I would continually cast out the line. Only waiting to fail multiple times as the fish would nibble, but never bite my lure. I began to think to myself, "Man, I am really no good at this". But I was ever determined. Even after the rain had stopped and the sun came back out to burn my skin. I continually made myself determined to catch at least one fish, even if I was going to let him/her loose in the end.
Eventually the day came to an end, and leaving was something inevitable. Though I never actually caught a single fish, I still felt that the time I spent fishing was very productive to my...Inner self. So I left, and things were going great until my brother got his shirt hooked. Nuff said, "I have had enough problems today". I left that day, thinking to myself, "I'm deffinitely doing this again. What fun!"

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I read your "about me" and your blog, I enjoyed it. Im kind of new on this whole "blogger" thing but i like your blog so ummm i guess i'll be one of your followers..not to be all stalker, i'd just like to read more of your bloggs.
